Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Kittycats First Birthday!

Well lookie here..
The birthday celebration kittycats are out! Get this little darling for free at the mainstore, the group does not even appear to be required [I am in it but did not have it active at the time]. Just click the big cake in the same area as the current collection kitties.
Be forewarned, the kitty is invariably orange and female. [Her blue counterpart is being released in another manner.]
The cake in this second picture is actually the starter food included.. the first picture, though identical, was the 'box' your new kitty is birthed from.
KittycatS! Mainstore --> http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/KittyCats/128/88/26
The package even includes a little birthday hat for you to wear too.

[Skin is from Insanya on the Zombiepopcorn hunt, eyeshadow is KOSH's and in the previous post, same color and all.]

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