Friday, January 27, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

On A Boat :I

Just lounging in a boat at the same sim as the lucky board my mask came from... :B

The mask is texture change: white [as shown], green, a polka-dotted red, a polka-dotted purple, and a light blue I believe. It cycles through the colors; no dropdown. It also comes with a copy of its texture that you could save to your computer for further customization, and a non-texture-change 'goth' version [I haven't looked at that one].
The 'skirt' I am wearing is the bottom half of FAB.PONY's 'Sexeh' dress, a cute little zebra-print number, shown here in the color light peach.
The boots are a group gift at Vita's Boudoir [seems to have changed name to just 'Boudoir']. The group is free to join, here: secondlife:///app/group/28d6ba97-32fa-23b7-2125-a7e9bf60e6a3/about [copy and paste into your local chat and it should work, or alternately there should be a joiner around at the store]

Mask: MASK TexturechChange @ [lucky board]
Jacket: .:: M*G*S ::. Loungewear *LB Psyche dot* @ [lucky board]
Dress: FAB.PONY "Sexeh" Dress, 1L on the MP
Boots: Pony Girl Boot from Vita's Boudoir @

Skin: *Sanu Undine Skin [250L]
Hair: A&Y Aeon hair 2 in White [250L]

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dolphin submarine!

Not sure how it works, but it is sadly no-copy. Free, though, so you could take a couple copies if you so wished.
Find it HERE:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Free Horse Avatars

Carriage Trade has put out a couple of free horse avatars for members of the Carriage Trade Roleplay group. The group is free and there is a group joiner in the store. You will need to have your group tag active and pay the vendors 1l. The 1l is refunded so they are absolutely free.